Want to become a member of Naturally? Read the rules below carefully, then fill out the join form! You'll receive an email once you've been approved!
- Members must have a valid email address and website.
- Members must use a realistic name or nickname. If your name is already taken on the member list, please add a number or change your name.
- Members must upload their starter pack within two weeks. If you need more time, please let us know.
- Members must update their trade posts at least once per month. If you do not, your status will be changed to Inactive and you must reactivate your membership to continue trading.
- Members must not direct link any cards. Upload them to your own server or a free image site, such as Photobucket, or use eTCG's auto-upload feature.
- Members must not cheat.
- Members must provide an appropriate image for their member card.
- Members must provide a password to be able to access forms and the interactive section. This password is encoded in the database and cannot be retrieved or viewed by anyone.