Level Ups: Cici, Kupo, Xtina, Ramona, Lyn, Kayori, Zenit, Asche, Tazzy, Nicolie— Congratulations!
Game Updates: Weekly
- Naava wished for "My spouse turns 29 on the 19th. Cards 2, 9, and 19?"
Good morning/afternoon/evening, lovelies! I hope you all had a great week. I'm slowly drowning at work due to staffing cuts and very much wish I could take a vacation right now lol.
Congrats to all of our first level-ups! As for our new members -- sparky & Naava, your member cards are ready. If you haven't grabbed them off the Discord server already, you can find them on your profile pages.
A couple of bonus wishes for you guys this week, too:
- saya wished for "I wish for the deck opal to be released :)"
- Lex and Asche both wished for "choice cards spelling AUGUST" Max of 1 per deck. Comment with what you take!
That's about it! Have a wonderful week ahead and happy trading!
New Decks
If you donated the deck, you may take an extra from that deck. Comment with what you take!

19 comments | Posted: Aug 16, 2020